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    yoeythamas  36, Male, New York, USA - 23 entries
Jul 2015
4:38 AM IST

How to get rid of extra stuff when moving to a smaller home?

We tend to get rid of extra stuff every time we move. It is not at all easy to choose items and give up those that you had for a long time. If you are moving to a smaller home, you would need to downsize your existing household items and determine what is needed and what will fit into the new home.

Here are some tips to help you along the process of downsizing.

Make a list of extra things-go through all the items in your house and determine what you want to keep with you and what is it that you don’t require. There would be many such things that you haven’t used for years and which you don’t intend to use in future too. Make a list of such items.

Decide where each item will go-once you have the list of extra items, decide where each item will go. Friends, relatives, charity, or auction? If you have your mother’s bedroom suite that you don’t feel like giving away in charity, you could probably give them to your sister. Giving it to your sister would ensure that it is being treasured and cared for. If there are old appliances or gadgets in the house, put them on auction sites or hold a garage sale.

Go through each room in the house-start with the areas that you don’t use much such as the attic, the basement, and the laundry room. Rooms that are used mostly for storage usually have items that are stored than being used. There is less sentimental attachment to those items so it would be easier to get rid of things. As you go through each room, ask yourself as few questions:

When was the last time I used this particular item?

If I use this, how often?

Is there another item in the house that can serve the similar purpose?

If I get rid of a particular item would I need to replace it?

Would this item be of any use in the new house that I am moving to?

As you answer the above questions, start sorting, piling and packing.

Take care of your self-moving is not easy. It presents both physical and emotional challenges. Be kind and patient to reduce the stress of moving and to make things easier for yourself. Give yourself time to work through the whole process. If you are tired, take rest. Talk to someone. Ask for help. Look for moving companies in NYC. Professional movers can provide you complete assistance in moving. Right from packing your stuff in the boxes to loading them in the moving trucks and vans till unloading them, they would be managing everything on your behalf.

If you can’t decide upon certain items, put them in storage. Belongings contain memories. So take time to reflect. Once you have packed everything else, look forward to moving to your new home to start a new stage of your life.

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